

In Uncategorized on May 15, 2013 at 11:32 pm

Have you been or are you broken? Many times I’ve had someone tell me that their boyfriend or girlfriend has “baggage”. My response to them often surprises them because I say, “oh yeah that was me in my relationship”. 🙂 I have been with my husband for almost 13 years and it wasn’t easy coming into a relationship where my husband spoke so fondly of his childhood. One would have to be a crazy person to think of that as bad thing, right? Living in that moment it didn’t feel crazy but looking back I can see why it bothered me. I did have a difficult childhood. One that I would never want any child to go through and to hear great things coming from my husband made me see just how different I grew up. Just how broken I was because of my childhood and teenage years. Not only that but I had to face the fact that I was still broken. I was always feeling sad and stressed for reasons unknown to everyone. Including me! You see I didn’t think I was broken. Broken people often don’t. It was only when all the emotions that were kept inside for so many years started to surface that I had to say, “this has to get fixed and NOW”. At that time I didn’t think there was any other way of living. I didn’t know that I had a choice. A choice to be a victim of my circumstances or to be the happy person I was meant to be. As a victim I would often let what happened to me in my past define who I was going to be. As a victim I would complain of my struggles. As a victim I pretended everyone had to understand my sad childhood to get who the real Sara was. When in reality my past had nothing to do with my current situation. I was no longer that 7 year old. I was no longer alone. I had and have great family and friends but I was so stuck in what had happened in the past that I could not see clearly and appreciate all the good in my life. I was broken…but I decided to wake up whole one day. It was a decision to wake up and say. I AM WHOLE, PERFECT AND COMPLETE. To declare that yes I AM NOW AND WILL FOREVER WAKE UP WHOLE, PERFECT AND COMPLETE. Was it easy getting there? Yes and no. Facing and acknowledging everything I went through meant opening up old wounds and actually feeling the pain associated with my past. Facing what had happened and accepting my role in every situation. Nothing in life had happened TO ME. I chose every part of my life including the struggles. Even as a kid. Yes some of the choices I made were based on survival but I did decide how I would react to each and everything that transpired in my life. Giving myself the power to say that was what put me back together. I regained power of me, over my feelings, over my circumstances and I will never let go of that power. If you are broken I encourage you to do the same. If you are with someone who is broken help them get that power back. Not by feeling sorry for them but by being patient and by supporting them in their journey. Being perfect, whole and complete is a choice. Sometimes it just takes knowing that to begin the healing process.


In Uncategorized on January 26, 2013 at 5:15 am

I am well known for taking classes, taking part in community events and seeking clarity or guidance to any questions or difficulties I may be having. It could be from the simplest thing like how to make baked brown rice and finding the recipe on GOOGLE, to asking “What is my purpose” and taking Life Mastery retreats and self-help seminars. My point is that I am always seeking more! More knowledge, more confidence and more tools that I can use in my everyday life. I, as Melissa Robinson said, am always looking for ways to fill my cup. It is only when my cup is full that I have the strength and power to fill someone else’s cup. So when I am asked how I have time to do all the things I do the answer is simple…I  take time to take care of me. To go to retreats, to take care of my hubby and kids and to take care of how I look. If I didn’t do this for myself I wouldn’t have the “opportunity” (Thanks Maggie) to feel so happy about doing so much for other people. I cannot give something that I do not have for myself. If I do not have time for myself, how am I supposed to feel good about giving my time to others? I am a seeker and all those around me know this. What are you seeking? And what are YOU doing to find clarity? If the answer to the second question is nothing than I challenge you start seeking! Start with you and the world around you will change.

 The only source of knowledge is experience 
                             -Albert Einstein


Life lessons

In Uncategorized on January 21, 2013 at 4:40 am

Friday when I got out of work I went to Target and felt the NEED to buy a book. I love to read but not just any ‘ol book. I like to seek books that I know will inspire me or teach me something new.  Well today I read the entire book. The book spoke about a women who died, went to heaven and was sent back to finish her purpose here on earth. My philosophy prior to reading the book was that we are all reincarnated and that our time on earth depended on how many life lessons we needed to learn in order to take our spot in eternal bliss or as many call it, HEAVEN. I look at my daughter and see an old soul. Who knows maybe her and I have lived many lives together. I always jokingly say that she is my life’s test and as the years pass I am starting to really believe that. She has made me trust not only in other people but in myself. As a mom I always questioned if I was raising her right and I always said if someone could just TELL ME that I was doing right I would be okay.  I know now that, I am, raising her right. She has taught me to trust in myself and to trust that I raised her the best way I could. Me and Ari can talk about anything and that did not happen until this year. Are there other lessons I need to learn OR am I a important piece in someone else learning a life lesson? Who knows but I will live my entire life with an open mind and an open door policy. I will continue to seek inspiration, hopefully inspire others in the process and I will be here to help anyone who needs it. I ask you to do the same and if you don’t know how or where to start let me know and I will support you.

Reincarnation … makes life what it is intended to be — a glorious adventure in which victory is absolutely sure to be ours if we persist. It proves that man [is] … master of his fate on his road to the stars.    

                                  -SHAW DESMOND, Reincarnation for Everyman