
In Uncategorized on January 26, 2013 at 5:15 am

I am well known for taking classes, taking part in community events and seeking clarity or guidance to any questions or difficulties I may be having. It could be from the simplest thing like how to make baked brown rice and finding the recipe on GOOGLE, to asking “What is my purpose” and taking Life Mastery retreats and self-help seminars. My point is that I am always seeking more! More knowledge, more confidence and more tools that I can use in my everyday life. I, as Melissa Robinson said, am always looking for ways to fill my cup. It is only when my cup is full that I have the strength and power to fill someone else’s cup. So when I am asked how I have time to do all the things I do the answer is simple…I  take time to take care of me. To go to retreats, to take care of my hubby and kids and to take care of how I look. If I didn’t do this for myself I wouldn’t have the “opportunity” (Thanks Maggie) to feel so happy about doing so much for other people. I cannot give something that I do not have for myself. If I do not have time for myself, how am I supposed to feel good about giving my time to others? I am a seeker and all those around me know this. What are you seeking? And what are YOU doing to find clarity? If the answer to the second question is nothing than I challenge you start seeking! Start with you and the world around you will change.

 The only source of knowledge is experience 
                             -Albert Einstein


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